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In the chart above you can find the per ounce US dollar prices for Gold, Silver, Palladium, and Platinum respectively from 1970 to 2018. Given that this is a static chart, will be updating it every quarter in the months and years to come.

For now, this long term precious metal price chart above will give you a better understanding of various past precious metal bull markets (1980 being the most obvious) as well as isolated bullion bull markets for palladium in 2001 for instance.

About Our Precious Metal Price Chart Options

When making an investment in precious metals, it is important to always understand primarily which specific fiat currency is being used to measure against which specific precious metal. Given that we are a US-based bullion dealer, our precious metal price charts are almost always US dollar-based.

And secondarily, one must always take into consideration the timeframe being depicted in a precious metals price chart. Different precious metal price charts may highlight a range of various time periods. They can range from mere minutes to a 24-hour period, to various weeks, six months, a year, a decade, or even over 100 years.

With precious metals, it is important to remember that movements over a short period of time are usually just minor fluctuations. For instance, the price of gold may rise or fall only a few dollars per troy ounce during a week, or over the course of a month.

However, this information is secondary to what you actually need to see. It is more important to consider long-term precious metal prices. That is, how has gold performed over not merely a year, but perhaps a decade or more? What is the trend for gold and silver prices over the course of the coming decades even?

By looking at longer-term time frames, you can make wiser decisions based on longer-term price movements and trends, rather than short-term price variances caused by minor events that could soon self-correct.

If you were to only look at precious metal prices during these short term price variances, you might be tempted to sell bullion or even avoid buying bullion completely. But when you study the price of silver and gold for both short and long-term movements, you can better learn how to spot the longer-term secular trends.

So, not only is it important to know the spot price of gold or silver (the live dynamic paper and physical prices), but it is crucial that you understand how these prices have moved over longer time periods.

The Nature of Your Investing

Most of those interested in live gold and silver prices are investing for the long term. However, there are plenty of investors who want to get in and get out. This is where a technical analysis of a metal prices chart combined with a number of other essential tools can provide you with the means to determine where the metal is going next, and whether now is a right time to get in or get out while making a potential profit or loss.

Our Stance

We believe that the best way to reap rich rewards from physical precious metals investing is to make smart investments over the course of time – small disciplined bullion purchases at regular intervals. Of course, this really only applies if you’re purchasing precious metals physically. If you’re buying ETFs or other intangible assets, the situation is different with additional myriad counter-party risks involved.

Our goal here is to ensure that you always have access to not only the live gold and silver prices but also the historical price performance of these precious metals to inform your investment decisions for the long term.

For instance, the following Gold Silver +100 Year Chart begins in the year 1915, spanning up to today.

Within this long term gold silver monthly price chart you can deduce monthly averages for each respective precious metal in US dollars per troy ounce increments.

If you would like to dig deeper into daily gold price history and daily silver price history we also publish this day to day price data for each respective monetary precious metal here at SD Bullion.


View the live gold price and silver price in AUD and USD, as well as the gold/silver ratio chart when browsing this page on desktop. Guardian Gold produces regular gold and silver market updates and news reports which go out to all account holders as a free service. Keep up to date with the latest technical analysis and economic commentary by creating a free Guardian Gold account.

Gold is seen as a reliable way of preserving wealth over generations, due to its relative scarcity and very limited supply. Gold’s stock to flow ratio means that the gold supply curve only ever changes marginally. All gold from new mining operations only adds around 1.5% to existing above ground stock piles. Central Banks on the other hand, expand the monetary base of fiat currencies at a much faster rate.